Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Three-Week Visit

Earlier this week, our daughter and grand-daughter left after staying with us for three weeks! Since they moved to Japan last October, I have been to visit them twice and loved it both times. During my last visit in April, our son-in-law received permission to spend 6 weeks in his home town in Arkansas and work in the Marine recruiter's office. It worked out that he could bring his family along, so they decided that our daughter and grand-daughter would spend three weeks with us before joining him for his final three weeks with his family. It has been so wonderful to see the little one when she first wakes up, with her eyes and dimples twinkling. She is 18 months old, and starting to repeat words that she hears. She has tons of energy and love and displays the confidence of a child who lives in a loving, secure home. I love her.

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