Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Hills Head to Japan!

During the last half of September, my daughter's family came to spent a couple of weeks with us before going back home to NC to pack up and leave for Japan. We tried to get in as many family visits as we could, and I think we did a pretty good job! This is my mom and sister getting ready for a farewell dinner that they put together.
When my daughter's family flew out of Houston to go home, I went with them. Hey, somebody had to watch the little one so they could focus on getting packed. We stayed so busy and had a ton of fun. A few days before they left for Japan, the rest of the grandparents came to bid them farewell.
After a super long trip they finally arrived in Japan and seem to be settling in. I just got an email from her saying that the first shipment of their belongings should arrive tomorrow morning. Since they left, they have been living out of whatever they could bring in their suitcases. The last shipment, which has their furniture and remaining items, should arrive in the next few weeks.

I know I'm bragging, but I have the best husband ever! He told me that for my Christmas gift this year, he would give me a trip to Japan that I could use whenever I want!!! After talking it over, it was decided that I will leave Houston on November 30, arriving in Hiroshima December 1 and stay until December 9. That way I can be there to celebrate a very special first birthday on December 2, babysit for a very important second wedding anniversary date and also when their final shipment arrives, and celebrate whatever else we can think of. I am really looking forward to my trip, although at the same time a little anxious!

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