Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Work Here Is Done!

So...the stocking I was making for my granddaughter is finally complete! It is beautiful from a distance, so maybe no one will look at it too closely. It is full of love, sequins, a future lifetime of Christmas fun, and a few flaws. In an earlier post I mentioned how I had the urge to go back and fix every little part of the stocking that was imperfect, but I just had to keep reminding myself that was unrealistic. If I had gone back and fixed every mistake, it would take so long that Ava would never get to use it and that would defeat the purpose!
The stocking arrived in North Carolina yesterday, just in time to be packed with the rest of Ava's family's belongings to go half way around the world to Japan! We'll talk about that one in another post.
Happy Tuesday!

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