Friday, April 1, 2011

Best April Fool Ever!

April 1 will never be the same for me again. Let's go back to the year before last on March 31. Do you remember what you were doing? I do. It had been almost four months since my daughter's wedding and I was nearly over the shock of that. Then we heard that our new son-in-law (The Marine) was going to be deployed to Iraq later that year for seven months. My husband was out of town on a business trip and so I was sitting in my living room, all alone, working on some project when my phone rang at 11:30 pm. People don't typically call me at 11:30 pm with good news. It was my precious daughter, sounding slightly panicked. She quickly asked me for confirmation that those home pregnancy tests can be wrong. Gulp. Welllllll (I stretched the word out as 467 million thoughts ran through my head) I think that if they show negative they can be wrong, but if they show positive they are usually correct - why do you ask????? She asked because she had tested herself twice since her friend thought her symptoms sounded like she was pregnant and my daughter was going to prove her friend wrong. As I was talking over the speaker with Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed Marine, I took the opportunity to be the first to congratulate them. And I may have strongly reminded them that we were closing in on April Fool's Day and this was NOT a good idea for a joke. Little did we know what an exciting surprise God was preparing for them and us in their beautiful baby girl!